23rd March 2018
I hit upon a frustrating "file not found" error causing me several hours of pain, raised whilst running a grunt-contrib-imagemin task.
The image existed, the path was correct, so what's going on?
Tags: Node.js , Javascript , Configuration22nd March 2018
I recently inherited a project with a Grunt-based Javascript boilerplate that would not install, falling over installing node-sass. It would throw an error stating that Python2.7 was missing and also that the C++ MSBuild task could not be found. Why?!
Tags: Node.js , Grunt , Javascript10th January 2018
How to fix the "Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Xaml.PartialClass GenerationTask task could not be loaded from the assembly Could not load file or assembly XamlBuildTask.dll or one of its dependencies" build error
Tags: Visual Studio , Configuration , Workflow Foundation